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Tsunami Woman

Project Type

Digital Portrait Photographs



"The photoshoot was an opportunity to embody a character that I call Tsunami woman.
She is an aspect of my inner world that I would call my mytho-poetic identity. Mytho-poetic identity is the essential part of me that I am here to embody in all that I do in the world, in service of my people and Earth. Every being of every species has an eco-niche i.e. a particular task to contribute in service of the greater earth community which is informed by Earth ( who is not an inanimate lump of rock spiralling through the multiverse but a sentient intelligent being in whose dream we are living)… Humans also have a niche and each individual has their own unique soul task - mine is embodied as Tsunami woman who's role is to be a seer at the threshold in the cycle of death and rebirth, and to be the tide that takes down old structures and paradigms in people and culture to make space for new growth." - Bell Selkie Tsunami Woman.
In other words, just like every animal has a specific role in nature, human also have a unique purpose of their own. In this case, Tsunami Woman’s role is to guide others through difficult times and making way for new ideas and ways of living.

O L L I E   S T E W A R T

Portrait and event photographer in Swansea

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