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Shortlisted for the British Photography Awards 2023

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Joint 1st winner of the Likeness photography competition 2021

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The 2nd B&W Athens Photography

Athens, Greece

24th Febuary 2023 - 1st March 2024

I had a photograph from my Timebomb series exhibited in this international black & white showcase. This was organized by Blank Wall Gallery in Athens.

Lost in Limbo

University of Wales Trinity St David - Dynevor Campus

30th March 2023 - 4th May 2023

Hosted by the university, my class had an exhibition called Lost in Limbo alongside fine art's exhibition Passing Rhythms and year 1 photography's exhibition Panoply. I entered three photographs from my newest series Timebomb.

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Swansea Open 2023

Glynn Vivian Gallery

28th January 2023 - 16th April 2023

I entered my work into the Swansea Open competition and had two pieces from my series Tsunami Woman chosen and exhibited.

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In our Intricate Image
Dylan Thomas Center
29th November 2022 - 2nd December 2023

Some of my classmates and I did an exhibition that explores literature and multimedia responses. I projected two short overlapping videos responding to a Dylan Thomas poem called I have longed to move away.

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Confronting the Present
Creative Bubble
10th May 2022 - 13th May 2022

This was an exhibition put on by my university as part of activism week. I created three portraits of differently-abled people.

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University of Wales Trinity St David - Dynevor Campus


I created a film to highlight the drastic changes in sea levels for COP26.

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Volcano Theatre

8th July 2021 - 20th July 2021

I entered 3 pieces of work into the Likeness competition held at the volcano theatre and won joint first prize in the under 25’s section of the competition.

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O L L I E   S T E W A R T

Portrait and event photographer in Swansea

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©2024 by Ollie Stewart. All rights reserved.

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